trash bins

Using Intuition in Exercise – An Organic Approach

I happened upon a highly effective, early-morning exercise workout yesterday. It’s all-natural, intuitively driven, and includes a variety of breathing methods. Outcomes vary, of course, but I’ve seen a marked improvement in my stamina already.

For best results, follow instructions to the letter:

  1. While still in bed and sporting the half-awake drowsy state, listen to morning sounds (birdsong, squirrel chatter, cat fights). Roll over, get comfy, take deep breath, and… release.

  2. Catch distant rumble of truck. Set intention to relax back into slumber.

  3. Sit bolt upright. Realize “someone” forgot to take trash bins out to curb last night with holiday encroaching.

  4. Pause to consider ramifications if bins were not curbside today. Gasp loudly.

  5. Center inner awareness while expertly engaging survival instincts so intuition takes lead and brain moves offline except to determine necessary actions. In other words, panic.

  6. Fling back covers, grab sweater, shove feet into garden shoes, forget gloves, run out back door. Stop and stare at three bins. Don’t recall which trash truck arrives first. Swear.

  7. Notice that general trash bin clairvoyantly appears in mind’s eye. Lunge at it, move to patio, run over own foot so bin topples. Yank to standing, clean up trash mess. Roll bin wildly out to street and place at curb. Check bodice for complete coverage.

  8. Look for trash trucks. See nothing. Hear truck noises “somewhere”. Run back to remaining bins while swearing under breath.

  9. Sense big, heavy, yard waste bin beckoning to you. Wrestle onto patio. Groan loudly so neighbors hear how cool you are under pressure. Try to brush spider webs from arms. Get all heeby-geebie-ish; check whole body for spiders …. twice. Run bin out to curb.

  10. Marvel at one’s early-morning adrenalin. Send energy field out to neighborhood to sense for approaching trucks. Feel only coffeemakers in action. Take deep breath of relief, run back.

  11. Grab recycling bin, sense a lightness. Use inner knowing to fully realize emptiness of bin – pause for enlightenment.

  12. Drag bin over patio to back door. Rush into house, grab newspapers, rush out of house, dump in bin. Rush back into house, grab other recycling, rush out, dump in bin. Repeat twice more. Feel the burn.

  13. Stop to sense endorphin response kick in. Feel empowered, blissful even. Race effortlessly with recycling bin to curb. See/sense/hear/know no sign of trucks.

  14. Throw arms up in air. Feel triumphant. Run around front yard singing “Barney’s Clean Up Song” because nothing else comes to mind and moment deserves music.

  15. Wave to neighbor taking one, small, tidy trash bag to her bin as you manically scrape invisible spider webs from face. Offer gratitude that pj’s resemble sweats.

  16. Saunter into house as first trash truck lurches by. Sigh deeply; pat self on back.

  17. Make coffee, check off “exercise” on daily tracker, open newspaper rescued from gutter.
  18. Bring brain back online.

If you have further questions about exercising intuitively, please catch me next week when I reveal all in my new article “Toaster Oven Fires for the Intuitive Cardiac Workout.”

Beverly Belling

I’ve been intuitively sensitive since birth. Not that I knew this was a thing, exactly, because no one ever talked about it. I didn’t realize until my young adult years that not everyone could feel the vibrations of all the world’s things within their body. Since then, I’ve spent my life dedicated to exploring and teaching others how to reconnect with their intuitive nature so they can make a real difference in the world. To learn more, go here.

Beverly Belling

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