The Nature of Your Intuition
Learn the essentials of using your intuition for
your work in the world.
you want to make a real difference in the world.
You have experiences – quite a few, in fact – that aren’t easily explained in everyday terms. You’re not even sure what to call them… gut feelings? Hunches? A pretty good guess? … because they seem to be deeper than this somehow. A bit of the mysterious and familiar all rolled into one.
Perhaps you know things you couldn’t possibly know, like when someone is about to contact you, or a dear friend needs help, or the market you frequent has chocolate covered raisins back in stock…finally.
Maybe you’ll get a fleeting image in your head about a work project that turns out to be spot on. You might hear words or sounds that help your client better relate to their circumstances. And for some reason you can feel what that client feels yet often mistake it for your own emotion or physical sensation…until they mention it.
Then again, your intuition may already be fairly heightened and you sense other people’s emotions and physical sensations quicker than your cat can climb your best drapes. You often know things, see images, and hear sounds in relation to yourself or others. Sometimes the meanings of these “sudden hits” are clear; other times you have no idea or if they’re even true.
This happens frequently and can be overwhelming at times because there seems to be no off switch, no control. You may even wish these extra abilities would just go away already … life would be so much calmer. Yet somewhere in the back of your mind you wonder if this “stuff” you do might be useful somehow, even as new drapes are on order.
Yes, intuition can seem pretty mysterious.
It can be loud one moment, super-subtle the next. A bunch of random, sensory experiences that may or may not form a complete concept. Are they even normal, you wonder, and what is “normal” anyway…is there some sort of secret range?
For that matter, was it intuition that prompted you to buy the turtle-shaped mug last week? Could it have been an unconscious desire from your tween days? Some random person’s notion you picked up while crossing the street?
These are things you’d really like to know.
Because you had actually planned to branch into squirrel mugs about now.
This may not be your first go around at the Renaissance Faire.
Most likely, you’ve consulted at least one psychic, intuitive coach, healer, channeler, medium – or some combo, thereof – to help you understand your intuitive self. Perhaps they were the first one to tell you that, yes, you are indeed intuitive.
And since the world contains a veritable plethora of books, vlogs, classes, methods, techniques, et cetera, you also picked up a helpful thing or five along the way even if it was confusing at times (the bounty of oracle cards alone is enough to mesmerize even the savviest of seekers).
Yet even with all that research and all that practice, something inside still feels a bit unsettled. You secretly begin to wonder if it’s you.
But you know what? The reason why these books and methods and healers didn’t fully help you is NOT because something is wrong with you. Nor is it because you didn’t practice those techniques properly or release enough energy during the last full moon.
The real reason all that other information about the workings of your intuition didn’t help as much as you would have liked is because it’s not your information.
Intuition is a skill
You were born with it and knew how to use it until age three-ish. Alas, many cultures have this odd little practice of repressing the natural inclinations of humans. After a while, you simply forgot how to use it or that it was even there. But deep down, you know what your intuition is.
Still, it’s hard to trust something you don’t have much experience with, especially if you were taught to believe it was bad or that someone else had better knowledge than yours. But you also won’t trust someone else telling you your intuition is different than you remember, even if it’s a subconscious memory without much access to the surface. It’s as if someone tried to put your foot in the wrong sized shoe – even if it’s just slightly off, you’ll eventually feel that difference.
Bottom line: You don’t need someone telling you what your intuitive skills are or how to use them or what their interpretations mean. You already know.
What you actually need is a way to uncover your intuitive abilities and relearn their particular characteristics.
You need a method solid enough to give you a starting place but fluid enough that it encourages you to grow into your natural, intuitive rhythm.
And that’s exactly what this course is designed to do.
- Knowing what direction to go with a client rather than guessing
- Matching a team member to a sensitive project rather than the nail-biting hope of it being a good fit
- Recognizing when or if to impart an intuitive message during a healing session

It makes a huge difference in my sense of wellbeing.”
It makes a huge difference in my sense of wellbeing.”
What if I’m making all this up?
What if I’m making
all this up?
It is quite normal to have doubts about your intuitive experiences because, if you’re like most of us, you grew up in a culture that demanded you ignore or deny them. Rarely were your intuitive abilities a nurtured part of your development so they faded to the background just like any other skill you haven’t used in a while.
At the moment, you just don’t recognize your intuition because you haven’t consciously used it enough.
But your intuition never goes away because it is an innate human ability and does lots of regular things like tell you if someone is lying or whether danger is afoot or to turn off the broccoli before it catches fire.
With a little attention and practice you will again become familiar with your intuitive nature and be able to develop it as far as you like.

The Course Focuses on 4 Key Areas
The Course Focuses on
4 Key Areas
Intuitive Listening
Creativity & Intuition
Intuition vs Everything Else
Your intuitive abilities are vastly different from your thoughts, emotions, and the outside world. Not fully understanding this point causes confusion and self-doubt. This area focuses on how to recognize these differences as well as the myths surrounding intuition so you can establish strong, vibrational boundaries.
Interpreting Intuitive Responses

Who Is This Class For?
This is the starting point for you to learn how to understand and use your intuition so you can make a real difference in the world.
This class is also for you if you:
- Know that you have intuitive abilities but don’t understand what they are or how to use them
- Want to use your gifts to their full potential
- Feel as if it takes a lot of effort to use your intuition
- Want to understand how your intuition differs from your thoughts, beliefs, analytical skills, emotions, and wisdom
- Don’t know how to control or direct your abilities
- Want to recognize when you’ve picked up on thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations that are not yours
- Are ready to experience your intuition more fully
- Are interested in giving your clients/students a more thorough experience or eventually using your abilities to work with others
Who is this class not for?
- Don’t have time to devote 15 – 30 minutes a day to practice the exercises between classes
- Dislike any type of sitting meditation (there are no posture requirements, just sitting)
- Prefer a lecture-only series and would rather not experiment with various techniques
- Need to have proof intuition exists or are very fearful regarding your intuition
- Are looking for a class/process to provide personal healing
Using Your Intuition To Help Others
We are always using our intuition to help people because it is part of our human makeup. But if you’re interested in targeting your intuition to add depth and accuracy to your work, it is important to know the extent of your abilities.
Understanding how your skills work will help guide your direction.
Consciously adding your intuitive skills to your work will enhance and deepen the use of your modalities. It can take away much of the guesswork often associated with people-focused work and give you more certainty in how you approach each person based on their individual situation.
What I specifically teach is the nuanced and practical skills of Intuitive Reading (a.k.a., “remote viewing & sensing” or “psychic reading” – though some titles have a considerably more dramatic flair, they are one and the same). The methods I’ve developed increase your subtle awareness and ability to focus which prompt the recognition of your distinct, intuitive responses and how to handle them.
There is no limit for the use of these techniques – wherever your imagination takes you is where they can be applied. People have incorporated these skills into their work with clients and students in such professions as life coaching, counseling, medical professions, the arts, animals, and more. It simply depends upon what calls to you.
This class can be your starting point.
This is the starting point for you to learn how to understand and use your intuition so you can make a real difference in the world.
This adventure offers you specific tools that allow you to:
- Learn how to easily access your intuitive awareness.
- Become familiar with your unique set of intuitive skills so you so you can build on them.
- Understand how directing your attention and energy will create a vibrational boundary making it easier to sort out which sensations are yours and which are not.
- Learn simple, creative games to help you uncover and develop your intuition.
- See how to apply these tools to your everyday life experiences.
- Uncover the myths and inaccuracies surrounding intuition so that you can shift your awareness to what’s true for you.
- Participate in a rich, interactive, small-class environment with others who have similar questions and experiences.
- Acquire a starting foundation to do Remote Viewing and Sensing (a.k.a., intuitive or psychic readings; reading energy), Mediumship, Energy Healing, and a host of other possibilities.

Why Now?
We humans have been through many global awakenings, each with their own dance of enlightenment. The theme of this particular adventure is to reengage with our inner guidance and unique sense of expression so that we may take authentic, creative action in a world that is ready for big change.
Your intuition is both guide and pathway. It bridges your inner knowing and uniqueness with your expression and authentic action.
You are the transformation you seek in the world; your intuition is your trusty friend with the flashlight.This class gives you the foundation to build a relationship with your intuition as well as a platform from which to learn additional intuitive skills, such as, intuitive coaching and healing, direct energy readings, mediumship, and many others.
As Your Guide and Mentor
I’ve been intuitively sensitive since birth, but it wasn’t until my young adult years – well after I’d unconsciously shut down my ability to translate and interpret my sensory experiences – that I realized not everyone could feel someone’s sneeze shoot through their own body. This stunning bit of news left me in quite a tizzy and, shall we say, deeply wanting.
Since then, I’ve spent my life dedicated to the exploration of and teaching others how to reconnect with their intuitive nature so they can make a real difference in the world

Intuitive Guide & Mentor
My Soul Guides
Veteran Intuitive & Master Coach
Veteran Intuitive
& Master Coach
In 1987, I began intensive training at and received certifications through both the Berkeley and Carlsbad Psychic Institutes for Psychic Reading, Clairvoyant Teaching, Spiritual Guidance & Leadership. Since then I’ve worked with over a thousand clients, connecting with their soul selves and energy signatures to see what they often can’t and offer an overall understanding of what is currently happening in their lives.
I soon learned that belief systems and creativity have a significant impact on human behavior, and I wanted to be able to help clients move further along in realizing their true soul journey. In 2009, I trained and became certified as a Life Coach and Master Life Coach through Martha Beck, Inc. And in 2011, I obtained certifications as a Kaisen Muse Creativity Coach and Modern-Day-Muse Group Facilitator.
Understanding the interplay between energy, belief systems and creativity has enhanced my ability to help students reconnect with their intuitive natures and to help them use those abilities to make a real difference in the world.

What’s Included?
- Four (4) consecutive, Live Classes held weekly that run about 90 minutes each.
- Next Course: Late Spring 2023
- Class size is limited to 15 people allowing for a personalized experience.
- Sessions are held on Zoom Conferencing Service with recordings available for download 24 hours after class.
- Video will not be used as it detracts from the sensitive nature of the material. Plus, your eyes will often be closed as we practice.
- A Welcome Packet filled with intuitive curiosities to help you acclimate.
- Weekly handouts to guide your experiences during class time.
- Weekly exercises and information to provide support as well as promote personal discovery in between classes.
- Each class is highly experiential with a balance of guided practices, teaching, and discussion.
- Ample time for questions and exploration.
- Personalized attention to help you create intuitive practices that resonate with you.
- A private Facebook Group is our place for questions, answers, support, and sharing between sessions.
- After completing the class, you will have the option to join my private Intuitive Arts Studio Community.
- The Community is designed to support your continued intuitive growth as you bring your intuitive skills into the world and offers an opportunity to join others committed to understanding, growing and using their intuitive abilities.
Are you ready to learn the essentials of using your intuition
for your work in the world?
Are you ready to learn the essentials of using your intuition for your work in the world?
Are you ready to learn the essentials of using your intuition for your work in the world?

$525.00 (USD)
Four, Weekly, 90-min Classes
Late Spring 2023
(Date/time TBA soon. For questions or to be added to the Interest List, please use the Contact Form below.)
Refunds: granted up to five days before the course begins.
You will be refunded what you have paid less a 15% service fee.
$525.00 (USD)
Four, Weekly, 90-min Classes
Late Spring 2023
(Date/time TBA soon. For questions or to be added to the Interest List, please use the Contact Form below.)
Refunds: granted up to five days before the course begins.
You will be refunded what you have paid less a 15% service fee.