Private Sessions

Intuitive Guidance and Mentoring

Spot Light
An intuitive reading for quick clarity and
practical action.
An intuitive reading for quick clarity and practical action.
An intuitive reading for quick clarity and practical action.

Student Team Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Guidance and Mentoring
An in-depth journey to expand your intuitive abilities.
This is a personalized program to enhance your intuitive skills so that
you can create the change you want to see in the world.
Areas of Focus:
- Expanding your ability to work with Soul Guides, to understand the experiences you’ve been having, or to simply work with them on a deeper and specific level.
- Awakenings and other types of shifts happen many times in our lives and can turn even the best of us upside down. If the experiences you’re having now are difficult to explain, even (or especially) if you are a seasoned intuitive, it may be time for a more in depth look at your practice and goals.
- Honing your intuitive reading skills and refining client interaction.
- Approaching and designing a new area of intuitive study for eventual work with your clients/students.
- Energetic boundaries that pertain to your work with clients or students.
Your Takeaways:
- Energy and meditative practices that grow with you.
- Practical exercises geared specifically for your goals and intuitive nature.
- Insight into what has been keeping you stuck, how to recognize the pattern when it pops up again, and what to do about it.
- Deeper trust in your intuitive abilities and overall journey.
- More clarity in your work with your clients and students.
- Sensing into your intuitive abilities as they truly are, not what you think they should be.
- The opportunity to expand your skills beyond what you imagine and seeing what they could become.
Private Intuitive Mentoring Package Includes:
- A program designed specifically for your unique, intuitive nature based on our consultation.
- Four (4) 60-minute Intuitive Spot Light Sessions, scheduled bi-weekly or as determined by your personal program. Sessions must be used within six months of purchase.
- Two email exchanges between each session.
- Each Intuitive Guidance & Mentoring session will include one or more of the following:
- intuitive reading & coaching
- on the spot energy direction and experiences
- energy management instruction
- creative intuitive assignments
- life coaching
- developing or enhancing your own practice

Cost: $650 USD
If you have questions about taking this step, please contact me via this nifty form.
I will respond within 48 hours during weekdays.
Spot Light Session
You know those times when you feel stuck or unsure or uncomfortable
about something happening in your life?
And you’ve tried to figure it out yourself! You really really have!
You’ve even consulted your friends and friends of friends and associates of friends and the UPS gal and the berry guy at the Farmer’s Market and your neighbor’s dog (though, oddly, throwing that stick 87 times didn’t quite do it for you), but this THING. This Annoying, Troubling, in-your-Face-elusive THING keeps you from stepping forward with grace and confidence and clarity…and continues to throw you sideways…
And you Wish….You WISH you could just SHINE a GREAT BIG OL’ LIGHT on that THING so you can move on already!!!
Enter [stage right]:
- Staging – I intuitively look at the current atmosphere and dynamics of your issue – players, outside influences, and what’s hidden in the wings. This may include your soul guides because sometimes they like the limelight, you now.
- Spot On – We focus on what you’re doing that’s currently working well and why (we don’t want the good stuff to end up on the cutting room floor if it’s adding value).
- Spot Off – And we’ll find out what isn’t going so well and why (let’s shine that light into the crevices, shall we?).
- Spot Adjustment - We tune into your intention, goals, desires and what needs to change to achieve these. Includes additional questions and discussion for clarification.
- Spot Focus – This is the action piece. I look at simple and practical ways for you to adjust and direct your inner attention so that you can achieve your goals. There may be energy-focused exercises, physical action steps, and other You come away with a plan for moving forward and shining your own light!
- Projects – creative, business, home, travel.
- Leadership – managing groups/employees/volunteers, honing your intuitive leadership skills, understanding roles of all the players.
- Intuition – honing your unique vibrational/meditative practice, recognizing your intuitive abilities, furthering your intuitive development, understanding your intuitively-guided direction
- Soul Guides – assisting you in connecting with your guides, gaining clear communication, understanding the difference between a chatty mind and a chatty guide
Please Note: I am not a Medical Intuitive nor do I intuitively delve into this arena.
If you are looking for such information, please seek out a professional who can help you with these matters.
- One (1) followup question within three weeks of your session.
- Downloadable recording of our session.
- Scheduled at your convenience via my scheduling service.
- We connect via Zoom Conference Service – access information provided once your session is scheduled.

Cost: $175 USD for 1 hour, or $95 USD for 30 minutes.
If you have questions about taking this step, please contact me via this nifty form.
I will respond within 48 hours during weekdays.
Student Team Intuitive Readings
In The Studio — Level II of the ARTS Intuitive Reading Program –
is the advanced Intuitive reading course that supports students in the
evolution of their Intuitive Reading Skills.
The Team Reading
Emerging from close to six months of intensive study, the intuitive reading student now applies what they’ve learned to the outside world. An instructor and two to three student readers offer you, the client, a most unique experience. Not only will you receive a complete intuitive reading, but you will witness what it’s like for an intuitive reader to develop their unique and subtle abilities on the spot.
The instructor’s role is to assist each student – intuitively and practically – as they understand, receive, and translate their intuitive messages with clarity to ensure that you come away with useful information that will enhance your life.
You are welcome to bring questions or topics to explore or simply arrive to the session and see what unfolds. An area of interest will be brought to light that you hadn’t previously considered. (Note: we do not offer medical intuition or diagnoses – please see an appropriate professional for these matters.)
A Note About the Future
Is There a Cost for The Reading?
Nope. We do not charge for these readings but do ask you to offer light feedback during the session. Basically, we’re interested to know if the information did or did not resonate with you.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … meaning … if you’ve already participated in a Team Reading as a client, we ask you to share the experience with others who have not. Thx!

Logistics & Registration
Student Team Intuitive Readings are offered once a year in the Fall.
Currently, we are fully booked.
If you would like to be placed on the Wait List in the event of a cancellation, please use the Contact Form below.
We look forward to intuiting
with you!