ARTS Intuitive Reading
Program Level I
Establish & Develop Your Emerging Intuitive Reading Skills
This course teaches the art of Intuitive Reading so that you can discover
your initial ARTS style and freely use your intuitive gifts.
When curious things begin to happen that seem beyond your usual experiences, it means your intuitive skills have begun to expand. Something like “suddenly knowing” that the person who wrecked the espresso machine would be perfect as head baker even though they’ve never baked anything for you.
At this point, your intuition has ventured beyond conjuring up parking spaces and moved into the area of “Intuitive Reading” because you are accessing more complex information.
The same could be said for having a strong desire to move your skills beyond knowing who’s texting before they send that coffee gif. You sense there is more going on in this intuitive world and feel a pull to know how to perceive that information.
In Level I, you get to do a deep dive reactivation
of your intuition so you can learn how to connect
with it when needed – just like any other skill you have.
Because that’s the way it’s meant to be used … on demand.
Step-by-step you’ll learn the art of receiving and relaying information for yourself and your clients that is not only accurate but meaningful and practical. We venture into a variety of concepts, tools, and reading refinements designed to further develop your skills because the practical application of each lesson is key to achieving success and alleviating doubt.
Like any pastry chef, you’ll get messy with your skills so you can discover that what may appear to be a mistake is actually an intuitive ability guiding you elsewhere. When you get the jitters about doing it right or wrong or weirdly (which everyone does at some point), I gently guide you through the tough spots so you can eventually handle them on your own.
- The Soul Journey
- Energy Signatures
- Intuitive Reading v Fortune Telling
- Relationships & Group Dynamics
- Timelines (Past/Present/Future)
- Body & Energy Systems
- Applying Intuitive Reading to other Modalities
- Designing a Reading Format
A wildly interesting aspect of this process is that dormant abilities will often begin to appear during one or more classes. We You won’t know when – y’all are unique in this – but I will help you pay attention to each skill as it shows up so you can integrate its gifts.
Additionally, I’ve included private sessions with me throughout the program to help you gain clarity on how your abilities are forming as well as to address any personal states of growth that are present.
This program can help you:
- Acquire practical and effective tools to support your unique intuitive skills throughout your life.
- Learn the ARTS Intuitive Reading™ Method to seamlessly connect with, translate, and relay intuitive messages for yourself and others.
- Understand how the crucial balance between your intuitive, analytical, and focusing abilities directly affects your intuitive reading accuracy.
- Consciously engage your intuitive skills rather than wait for them to drop in sometime.
- Dispel myths and fears associated with intuitive reading and similar abilities.
- Integrate your intuitive reading skills with other modalities and systems. understand how your intuition engages with the vibrational qualities of a topic, question, or other focal point to find solutions.
- Understand how your intuition engages with the vibrational qualities of a topic, question, or other focal point to find solutions.
After completing Level I – Learning The ARTS,
you will have the ability to do a full intuitive reading.
Your skills will be solid yet malleable, allowing you to adjust their application to your desired field. And as you continue to read intuitively, this foundation and its wide variety of knowledge will support your skills in real situations as well as pave the way for your latent abilities
to make themselves known.
- The ARTS Intuitive Reading ™ Program is for intuitives who have completed The Nature of Your Intuition (formerly known as “Intuitive Prep”) or who have worked with me privately on this material.
- Unclear if you qualify for the program? Please contact me and we’ll sort it out.
Class Structure
- Classes run about 90 minutes each
- Instruction, exercise practice, discussion, Q & A
- After-Class Time offers 20 additional minutes for off-topic questions, as needed
- First Five Classes – self-focused; learning the ARTS Intuitive Reading process
- Next Twelve Classes – classmate-focused; applying the ARTS Intuitive Reading process to classmates

Weekly Home Practice
- First Five Classes:
- Personal Intuitive Reading: 20 minutes; at least three
- Next Twelve Classes:
- Personal Intuitive Reading: 20 minutes; at least twice
- Intuitive Reading Practice Exchange w/ Partner: at least once
- 60 minutes total; 30 minutes per person
- Chatting can follow both readings; at your leisure
- Centering Technique Practice: 15 minutes; five days
- Creativity for Intuitivity: 5 minutes or until you want to stop (recommended)
- On-The-Go Practice: fit the tools into your life at your pace (recommended)
What’s Included?
The design of this course ensures a strong, personalized focus for each participant.
Maximum enrollment is for twelve (12) students.
Interactive Classes
- 17 Weekly Live Classes.
- Next Course: TBA
- Class Time: TBA
- Given the deep level of focus, class size is limited to eight (8) Intuitives to ensure a personalized experience.
- Sessions are held on Zoom Conferencing Service. They will be recorded and available for download 24 hours after class.
- Video will not be used – it detracts from the sensitive nature of the material and the most interesting visual for you will not be on a screen.
Supporting Materials
- A Welcome Packet to get you started on your incredible journey.
- Weekly handouts guide your experiences during class.
- Weekly between-class exercises and information help clarify concepts and promote discovery between sessions.
- The partner list for exchanging intuitive readings with your classmates is provided in the fourth week of the course; actual reading exchanges begin in the sixth week. I assign the weekly partners; you determine the best time to meet.
Deep Focus
- Classes are highly experiential and active with a balance of guided practices, instruction, and discussion. This requires a quiet environment so you can participate fully.
- There is ample class time for topic exploration, questions, and those “weird” curiosities that pop up. Sometimes a question/topic may be moved to After-Class Time.
- A safe and confidential environment ensures all students can explore and express their emerging talents freely. What happens in class stays in class.
Personal Intuitive Guidance
- Class instruction may be periodically paused to intuitively offer guidance to you or another student.
- A super-secret Facebook Group offers daily connection for communication, sharing, and support.
- Direct support by email or phone is offered as deemed necessary by moí.
Private Instructor Guidance Sessions
- You receive three (3), 30-minute private sessions during the course.
- ARTS Focus Session (pre-course) – we design your personalized program.
- ARTS Check-In (mid-course) – assures you’re on track with your personal skills, energy reading, and overall progress.
- ARTS Launching Session (end-course) – we review your course experience and look at your next adventure.
To ensure you are experiencing coherence throughout the program, sessions are spaced at the beginning, middle, and end. Scheduling alerts are posted in the Facebook group.
These private sessions focus on your direction, growth, and mastery of the ARTS Intuitive Reading ™ method.

$3,500 (USD)
Next Course TBA
{Maximum Enrollment: Eight (8) Intuitives}
$3,500 (USD)
Next Course TBA
{Maximum Enrollment: Eight (8) Intuitives}
If you are ready to register for Level I of the ARTS Intuitive Reading program or would like to find out if this intuitively exciting step is for you, please click “Apply” to schedule a 20-minute Free Intuitive Consult.
Once you are magically transported to my scheduling service, you can choose your date/time. You’ll then see a very short questionnaire to help guide our focus – share a little or a lot. Once completed, a confirmation email will be sent to you with a Zoom conference link.
Our conversation is casual and designed to explore your readiness for intuitive reading as well as to answer questions about the program. I look forward to intuiting with you!
Payment plans available – please inquire during our consult
or through the contact form below.
Refunds: granted up to five days before the course begins.
You will be refunded what you have paid less a 15% service fee.