Endorsed Intuitives​

Intuitive Arts Studio offers rigorous instructional programs for Intuitive Energy Readers & Teachers.

Each practitioner adheres to the principles learned in the Studio yet applies their own knowledge, creativity, and wisdom to their art. This ensures that your experience will be unique and personalized. Since it is understood that the future is flexible, malleable, and abundant with possibilities, each Intuitive recognizes your free will and ability to create the journey you truly want.

The following Endorsed Intuitive Energy Readers & Teachers are proficient in the art of reading Energy Signatures and/or Teaching these skills to you where noted. To choose a Practitioner best suited to your needs, here are a few suggested guidelines:

Shannon Barrett

Shannon Barrett

Intuitive Coach and Teacher

Using intuition and other tools, I can help you rediscover and reconnect to what you really want in life: spiritual growth, pursuing your passion, or finding balance. Along the way, I can teach you how to tap into your own unique wisdom.

Diane Douiyssi

Diane Douiyssi

Intuitive Business & Marketing Guide

If you’re feeling blocked in your business in some way, an intuitive reading might be just the clarity you need. Using intuition and energy reading, combined with my corporate marketing experience and coaching tools, I help coaches, healers & creatives find their unique voice, create authentic messages, and learn how to stop hiding so they can effectively market their businesses.

Robin Fields

Intuitive Energy Reader & Certified Martha Beck Life Coach

My passion is helping people create a life that is aligned with their most authentic self. I use my intuitive energy reading and coaching skills to help individuals gain insight and clarity, empowering them to find their true path forward.
Nanette Giacoma

Nanette Giacoma

MBA, MA, Chakrapreneur®, Kundalini & Usui Reiki Master, Certified Master Intuitive Coach

I work intuitively with my clients to help them align their energy with their potential. I live for those profound moments of insight that are the harbingers of transformation for my clients. I especially love working with entrepreneurs to help them work from the heart and soul of their creative endeavor.
Natalie Kittell

Natalie Kittell

Energy Healer • Intuitive Coach for Mind, Body, Emotions, & Spirit

I help people get out of struggle and into possibility so they can experience greater well-being, connect more deeply with themselves, and create the lives they want. Using energy healing, intuitive reading, and mind-body coaching, I help others clear their blocks – whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual – and shift into higher vibrations.
Bridgette Parent Reid

Bridgette Parent Reid

Life Coach & Intuitive Soul Guide

I combine intuitive readings with personal coaching for laser sessions – first intuitively getting to the heart of the matter, then seeking practical guidance for your situation. It’s like turning on the windshield wipers to clear the fogginess so you can see your own best path…the most direct path to peace, purpose and joy.
Michele Sammons

Michele Sammons

Spiritual Guide • Intuitive Explorer • Streamer of Energies

Michele Sammons is an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned guide who works with clients worldwide, helping them transform their lives through divine guidance. As an empath and intuitive, Michele’s light-hearted, positive approach embraces her clients right where they are on their spiritual path. Her specialty is empowering you to live the beautiful, joyful life your Soul intended by activating your intuition and sparking your creativity, so you can be the bright shining light you truly are.
Nikki Sargent

Nikki Sargent, MEd

Inner Peace Practitioner • Mind Body Soul Alchemist Intuitive Adventure Guide into Personal Expansion

I safely guide sensitives, empaths, intuitives, healers, and unconventionalists to explore, embrace, and embody their personal holistic agency of mind body & soul. Restorative transformation to joy, play, ease and the peaceful practice in the art of Being Human.
Sandy Scheschuk

Sandy Scheschuk

Intuitive Consultant

I offer intuitive readings for people who value more information when making decisions or taking action. I use my energy reading abilities to reveal helpful intuitive insights and information, in order to guide my clients’ decisions and actions in their business, career, or personal lives. I receive intuitive information through hearing words/sentences, seeing imagery in my mind’s eye, and a sense of knowing and feeling.