Endorsed Intuitives
Intuitive Arts Studio offers rigorous instructional programs for Intuitive Energy Readers & Teachers.
Each practitioner adheres to the principles learned in the Studio yet applies their own knowledge, creativity, and wisdom to their art. This ensures that your experience will be unique and personalized. Since it is understood that the future is flexible, malleable, and abundant with possibilities, each Intuitive recognizes your free will and ability to create the journey you truly want.
The following Endorsed Intuitive Energy Readers & Teachers are proficient in the art of reading Energy Signatures and/or Teaching these skills to you where noted. To choose a Practitioner best suited to your needs, here are a few suggested guidelines:
- Give yourself a moment to become quiet within by taking a few deep breaths
- Close your eyes
- Focus on your heart center for about 15 seconds
- Open your eyes and notice who grabs your attention

Shannon Barrett
Intuitive Coach and Teacher
Using intuition and other tools, I can help you rediscover and reconnect to what you really want in life: spiritual growth, pursuing your passion, or finding balance. Along the way, I can teach you how to tap into your own unique wisdom.

Diane Douiyssi
Intuitive Business & Marketing Guide

Robin Fields
Intuitive Energy Reader & Certified Martha Beck Life Coach

Nanette Giacoma
MBA, MA, Chakrapreneur®, Kundalini & Usui Reiki Master, Certified Master Intuitive Coach

Natalie Kittell
Energy Healer • Intuitive Coach for Mind, Body, Emotions, & Spirit

Bridgette Parent Reid
Life Coach & Intuitive Soul Guide

Michele Sammons
Spiritual Guide • Intuitive Explorer • Streamer of Energies

Nikki Sargent, MEd
Inner Peace Practitioner • Mind Body Soul Alchemist Intuitive Adventure Guide into Personal Expansion

Sandy Scheschuk
Intuitive Consultant