Your Intuition Can Help You
Make a Difference in the World
Your Intuition Can Help You
Make a Difference in the World

Do you have a hunch that your intuition plays a significant role
in how you make a difference in the world?
Well…you’re right!!!!
Do you have a hunch that your intuition plays a
significant role in how you make a difference
in the world?
Well…you’re right!
And if you are a life coach, healer, and/or leader who is drawn to using their intuition so you can make a real impact in the world … you may just find yourself in these pages.
Sometimes you have experiences that can’t be explained through usual channels.
You’ve realized by now that you are a sensitive soul – maybe since birth; maybe newly discovered – but you often know or feel the moods of people and groups, whether or not you’re in close proximity to them.
Maybe you have a knack for knowing things, such as, when to leave for an event to avoid traffic or where to find your partner’s keys … again. And those hunches you’re always getting (but may not be saying out loud), seems they’re accurate enough to cause a little chill to run up your spine.
You may be using your intuition with your clientele but only to a point and are not sure how to expand and deepen this ability.
There may be visions that pop in or a sense of knowing that comes to you, but translating their meaning leaves you with some doubt. Was that intuition or just your mind?
Your sense of the work you do combined with the needs of the world is palpable. You know there is more to this existence than what you see in front of you…and that’s exciting. Clients and/or others say you have a knack for this, and you’re noticing that as well but aren’t sure how to proceed.
You may have tried a few different processes, books, cards, tea leaves (yes, it’s still a lovely thing). And while each may have had a decent amount of resonance, nothing quite got that boat fully afloat.
The brilliant news is that you can learn how
to connect with and develop your intuition at any time.
The brilliant news is that you can learn how to connect with and develop your intuition at any time.
The three best things to know about intuition are:
Your ability to develop it depends upon how interested you are in using it
Everyone has it
(Yes, even your
wacky Uncle Joe)
It's a skill
No matter your current relationship with your intuition,
you are absolutely able to start exactly from where you are and develop it fully.
And once developed, not only will intuition make your own work more effective,
but you’ll feel confidently guided to make a real difference in the world.
No matter your current relationship with your intuition, you are absolutely able to start exactly from where you are and develop it fully.
And once developed, not only will intuition make your own work more effective, but you’ll feel confidently guided to make a real difference in the world.
How can you find out more?
One option is to subscribe to my mailing list, where I regularly share insights,
intuitive stories, and practical tips for using your intuition.
Receive the free Five-Minute Energy Shift guided meditation after signing up
and see how easy it is to shift your awareness.
And if you’re ready to jump in, the four-week course The Nature of Your Intuition is your
first step to discovering how to begin honing your skills.
One option is to subscribe to my mailing list, where I regularly share insights, intuitive stories, and practical tips for using your intuition.
Receive the free Five-Minute Energy Shift guided meditation after
signing up and see how easy it is to shift your awareness.
And if you’re ready to jump in, the four-week course
The Nature of Your Intuition is your first step to
discovering how to begin honing your skills.
One option is to subscribe to my mailing list, where I regularly share insights,
intuitive stories, and practical tips for using your intuition.
Receive the free Five-Minute Energy Shift guided meditation after signing up and see how easy it is to shift your awareness.
And if you’re ready to jump in, the four-week course
The Nature of Your Intuition
is your first step to discovering how to begin honing your skills.
and will not be given or sold to any third party. You can tune out at any time.